The Game Minesweeper is a classic puzzle game where you need to find and mark all the mines on the game field based on numerical clues. The game develops logic, attention, and strategic thinking.

Minesweeper Difficulty Levels

  1. Easy (9x9 grid, 10 mines) — Perfect for beginners. A small field with a limited number of mines allows you to quickly learn the basic principles of the game.
  2. Medium (16x16 grid, 40 mines) — Medium difficulty level. A larger field with more mines requires careful analysis of the numerical clues.
  3. Hard (16x30 grid, 99 mines) — For true professionals. A huge field and a large number of mines, where every move could be your last. A real challenge for puzzle enthusiasts!

How to Play Minesweeper?

  1. Select the grid size: Start by choosing one of three grid sizes — 9x9, 16x16, or 16x30. The larger the grid, the harder the game.
  2. Start the game: Press the "Start" button. The game begins with a blank field. Click on any cell to open it.
  3. When you open a cell:
    • If there is a mine — the game is lost.
    • If there is no mine, the cell will show a number from 1 to 8, indicating how many mines are in the neighboring cells.
    • If there are no mines nearby, it will open along with the adjacent cells.
  4. Using numerical clues: The numbers on opened cells are clues. If a cell says "2", it means there are two mines in the surrounding 8 cells.
  5. Marking mines: Right-click or press and hold on a touchscreen to mark cells with flags if you think there’s a mine.
  6. Clearing the field: Your goal is to open all cells that don’t contain mines and mark all cells with mines using flags.
  7. Victory: The game is won when all mines are correctly marked, and all safe cells are opened.